Caricamento Eventi

Trovare la libertà: Gli insegnamenti fondamentali del Buddha, Corso IV – La terza nobile verità: Libertà dalla sofferenza

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Informazioni sul corso

This course is part of a five-course-series that provides a thorough exploration of the Hinayana path drawing on teachings from prominent teachers and classic sources. L'enfasi è sulla coltivazione di maitri o amicizia con se stessi, e sugli insegnamenti Shambhala della bontà fondamentale, gentilezza e coraggio – allowing us to meet the modern human condition with warriorship and dignity.

The Four Noble Truths are used as the overall organizing principle. Instructions in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness are interwoven and provide a meditative method for embracing the totality of our basically good experienceincluding pain and suffering.

Corso IV – Contemplando la cessazione della sofferenza, per prima cosa vediamo l'accessibilità della terza nobile verità come il divario. Siamo fondamentalmente bravi. Rendersi conto che questo è vero è così semplice, e lo intravediamo tutto il tempo.

A proposito degli insegnanti

Suzann Duquette has been a student in the Shambhala lineage for 45 years and has served as a teacher since the 1980s. She was the director, and later on the resident teacher atKarmê Chöling in Vermont.Suzann respects the power of body awareness in deepening spiritual awakening and emphasizes body disciplines in her retreats and programs. Insegna ampiamente, including Shambhala retreatsMudra Consapevolezza dello spazio, eDaoist-Qigong in the lineage of Dr. Eva Wong.

Daniel Hesseyhas been a student of Trungpa Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche since 1973. He has taught meditation, Shambhala Buddhism, and Yijing related programs throughout North America. He is currently residing at Karmê Chöling, Vermont. Dan published two of the four planned volumes ofSocietà illuminata: A Shambhala Buddhist Reading of the Yijing on Amazon books.

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